Laplace transforms

Once again we will by using the sympy module.

Calculating laplace transforms

Laplace transforms can be computed using the laplace_transform(f, t,s ) function where t and s are sympy symbols and f is a function.

For example, the laplace of $f(t)=6e^{-5t}+e^{3t}-5t^{3}-9$ can be calculated with:

import sympy
t, s = sympy.symbols('t, s')
f = 6*sympy.exp(-5*t)+sympy.exp(3*t)-5*t**3-9
sympy.laplace_transform(f, t, s)

Calculating inverse laplace transforms

Likewise inverse laplace transforms can be computed using the sympy.inverse_laplace_transform(F, s, t) function where t and s are sympy symbols and F is a function.