Python Setup Guide

This course assumes you already have Python 3.8 or later installed on your system. If you don’t, follow the Python installation instructions from the DE1 Computing 1 course.

You can check your Python version by typing one of following commands in a terminal window depending on how you installed Python:

python -version


python3 --version

To use Python to solve problems in this course we will need to download the latest version of Python, Numpy, matplotlib, sympy and scipy.

Installing Numpy

To manipulate matrices we will need to install the Numpy module.

You can do this by typing one of the following commands in the terminal prompt, depending on how you installed Python:

pip install numpy


pip3 install numpy

Installing matplotlib

To draw functions we will need to install the matplotlib module.

You can do this by typing one of the following commands in the terminal prompt, depending on how you installed Python:

pip install matplotlib


pip3 install matplotlib

Installing sympy and scipy

To solve functions and some more advanced problems we will need the module.

You can do this by typing one of the following commands in the terminal prompt, depending on how you installed Python:

sudo pip3 uninstall mpmath
pip3 install mpmath
pip install sympy
pip install scipy


sudo pip3 uninstall mpmath
pip3 install mpmath
pip3 install sympy
pip3 install scipy