What do do if you find an error

Find an error in the tutorial sheets, think something could be explained better, or have an idea for a new problem? By pointing out errors / making suggestions, you will help improve the content for your fellow classmates and earn the eternal gratefulness of the module staff. Here is how you go about doing that:

Email the teaching staff

The easiest way to get an error fixed is to send a description and screenshot to one of the maths teaching staff. For this term (2020-2021), Thomas Godden will be updating the sheets so send him an email at: tg819@ic.ac.uk

Submitting a GitHub issue

However, the best way to suggest edits is through GitHub issues.

(Step 0: Open the GitHub repository)

Head to: repository on GitHub to see the source documents for all the tutorial sheets. This is where we create the issue. (Note: you will need a GitHub account)

Step 1: Note where the error is

After finding an error, make sure to note which sheet, problem and part the error is in. Getting a screenshot is even better!

Step 2: Searching existing issues

It’s a great idea to search the existing issues to see if someone else has already noticed this. Head to the repository Do this by switching to the issue tab in GitHub and searching Sheet # Problem # (or something similar).

ideal issue

Step 3: Create a new issue

If you are the first person to find the error, congrats! You can go ahead and make a new issue by clicking the green button to the right.

ideal issue

Step 4: Fill out your new issue

Pretty self explanatory, try to keep the title format sheet #, problem #, part # as that will make it easy to search!

ideal issue

Hit submit and you are all done! Thanks for helping make the sheets better! If you save the url, or remember what you titled the issue, you can come back and check to see when/how your issue has been resolved. (GitHub should also notify you)